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Arlington Algebra Project – Whole Book

So, recently I’ve had a few people email me because they’ve found that Arlington’s link to the Algebra Project is not operational anymore.

On January 1st we officially switched from one web hosting service to another and all of our old websites went dead. I hadn’t even thought about this because when we use the AAP, we just access it from our Common Drive.

Still, some schools continue to use this resource for pre-algebra classes or even to supplement their Common Core teaching. I don’t have the time right now at my day job to re-post all of it, but I’m posting a compilation of the entire book below so that educators around the state that still rely on it can have access:

Arlington Algebra Project.Whole Book

9 thoughts on “Arlington Algebra Project – Whole Book

  1. Thank you! Your supplements are helpful in teaching specific concepts since they are aligned. : )

  2. Sandra,
    Thank you for the kind words and feedback!

  3. This is fantastic. Our school doesn’t fund any projects like this. We’ve been floundering for material and I am very grateful for this post as well as EmathInstruction.
    My students use Doceri software with these worksheets as backgrounds, it’s very cool and effective.

  4. Lots of kids also use Notability for the iPad to view and work on the worksheets directly in pdf format. It has the added benefit of then also being able to access the videos directly from the tablet. Super cool what technology has been up to lately!

  5. Doceri and Notability are only for Apple. What’s good to use w/ Android?

  6. We’re using the Arlington Algebra Project as extra homework for our son, and would like to get the answer keys but don’t know if we can get from you or somewhere else. Many thanks,

  7. Sorry, but there are no electronic answers to the Arlington Algebra project. When we used it as teachers, we made the answer keys by hand.

  8. Hello,
    Is there a table of contents for the whole book?

  9. Alexis. Sorry, there was never a Table of Contents Created for this book.

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