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Common Core Algebra II – The First Six Units

So, I’ve been doing a super quick initial round of editing on Common Core Algebra II. I’ve compiled the first six units into unit pdf files. For those schools who are considering using our curriculum for the first year of implementation (in New York State at least), I submit these for review.

Of course, the HUGE caveat is that the lessons will likely be filled with typographical, grammatical and mathematical errors. Most of those will be weeded out when I create and then edit the answer key. But, for now, here are the first six:

Unit #1 Compilation.First Draft

Unit #2 Compilation.First Draft

Unit #3 Compilation.First Draft

Unit #4 Compilation.First Draft

Unit #5 Compilation.First Draft

Unit #6 Compilation.First Draft

Commom Core Algebra II CD

3 thoughts on “Common Core Algebra II – The First Six Units

  1. Thank you so much for the work you have put in developing Common Core Algebra II and Trig!!!

  2. I just found this website today. This is awesome….like really awesome. I’ve taken a look at your lessons, and they are so student friendly. I will definitely be using some of these in the future.

  3. Hey Kirk. FYI – Unit 3 here is missing the last lesson on Systems of Equations. I found it in the Complete Draft 1 Document. (I also see you moved it from U2-L7 to the end of Unit 3. the reference on the bottom of page needs to be tweaked too! Hope Italy is treating you right!


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