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Common Core Algebra II First Draft Done!

So, I thought this would take me until at least March, but a lot of snow days and some fun statistics lessons at the end got me across the “finish” line. I finished the “last” Common Core Algebra II lesson yesterday with some bivariate data analysis (trig regression).

I’m going to take some time today to get ready for winter storm Linus (why can’t we get Charlie Brown?). I’m also going to watch a certain sports event, eat a lot of food, and enjoy a night of not writing. Tomorrow, while enjoying a snow day with my kids (again, thanks Linus), I’ll create a table of contents and start a serious standards alignment analysis. Then, I’ll discover the two or three lessons I still need to do.

Right now, we are at 104 total lessons and homework sets. I think it is good, but still a long way away from workbook and answer key form. I’m posting the Unit Structure and Lesson Count per unit (now accurate). I’ll start getting actual units posted en mass later in February.

Common Core Algebra II Units and Lesson Count.First Draft

Commom Core Algebra II CD

5 thoughts on “Common Core Algebra II First Draft Done!

  1. Can’t wait! I’m itching in anticipation! I admire all of your hard work and dedication. It’s truly appreciated. Post as soon as you can! It’s never too early to start prepping for 15-16!

  2. I certainly appreciate all you are doing!

  3. I am wildly appreciative of your efforts which are so helpful to so many. Thank you

  4. Heidi,

    Thank you so much! We are all doing our best.


  5. Thank Greg. I appreciate it. I’m trying my best. We’ll see where this all goes.

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