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How Do You Love eMATH? Count the Ways and Win!

Testimonials about eMATH from teachers

Do you feel the way these teachers do about eMATH? Then we’d love to hear from you!

Please send us a 5- to 20-second video by October 22nd, 2023, to feature at our math-conference booth and on social media about how and/or why you love eMATHinstruction as a teaching resource.

For your participation, you will be entered for the chance to win one of ten $50 Amazon gift cards. (Winners will be selected at random.)

Just be sure to:

1. send us your first name, what grade(s) and math course(s) you teach, and what state you teach in (you don’t need to include this in the video, just send with)

2. make your screen orientation landscape (not portrait)

3. and please don’t go over 20 seconds

Then email us the video before next Monday!