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New Website Coming Soon and AMTNYS in Syracuse

Hey All,

Soon our new website will be unveiled. It should be up and ready to go in a couple more weeks, tops. I am very much looking forward to it. A good friend and excellent website designer, Joey Shavelle, is doing the redesign. This discussion forum will be moving to the new site as will all of the older files from the original website. It will hopefully be much easier to use and more reliable in terms of downloads.

Also, on November 9th through the 11th, I’ll be up in Syracuse presenting at the state AMTNYS conference. I’m looking forward to hanging out in upstate New York. I am hopeful that there will be teachers who use the curriculum that will stop by the booth and say hi and chat about how it is going with the curriculum and videos. I will only be presenting once (November 10th at 9:15 am). With only an hour to speak, I imagine most of the interesting conversation will actually happen at the booth itself.

Please drop by if you are at the conference! Hope to see you there.
