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The Start of School is at Hand

Hello All,

Well, we have our first couple of days of professional development next week at Arlington (the 97th largest high school in America). This week for me is full of all sorts of fun stuff. I get to catalogue all of the supplies that came in over the summer, make sure all calculators have batteries that work, create list upon list to help teachers know who is teaching the same courses, who has prep which periods, etcetera. This on top of whatever right before the year begins surprises crop up. For a department of 25 math teachers teaching 23 math courses, this constitutes a lot. And I’m still on “vacation.”

But, I’ve also been trying to organize this site into as convenient of a discussion forum as possible. I want to thank Benjamin Kirk from Ithaca High School for giving me many suggestions as far as organizing the site.

Right now I am putting up a post for each lesson. I am categorizing these posts by unit, so it should be super easy to find a particular lesson that you might want to comment on/give suggestions on, or ask a question about. Right now you have to leave a username and an email in order to leave a comment. For those of you who know me, you know that any emails submitted would never end up being distributed to third parties.

For each lesson, I am leaving a very short blurb about my thinking and feelings on the lesson. I could probably write an entire page about each lesson, but don’t have the time, as I’m sure many of you can appreciate.

Click here to link to the Unit #1 Discussion Page

For now, take care all and enjoy your last days of summer. Remember how beautiful fall can be and how much fun it will be to meet all of your new students.

Best to all!
